Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Miramar College Transit Station

Computer generated two-point perspective of the Miramar College Transit Station.

By: Travis Nunez, Nataly Medrano and Kathleen Evangelista

TransNet and Metropolitan Transit System has plans for a new DAR or direct access ramp and a new bus station in Miramar College to congest general traffic and improve transportation choices on the Interstate 15 corridor.

Computer generated isometric perspective of the 
Miramar College Transit Station.
The projects would be done in replacement in the 1990's proposed trolley line, which was deemed due to not being cost effective. Furthermore, the station will feature 12 bus bays; new shelters and next bus signs that provide updated bus arrival times. It will include one center island passenger platform with four bus bays and the remaining bus bays and passenger platforms will be constructed in a circular pattern surrounding the center island.

The environmental document was completed in March 2009 and the design was finished in November 2011. Construction began last fall 2012 on the future Miramar College Transit Center. It will be located south of the Hillery Drive/ Westview Parkway intersection on the northeast end of San Diego Miramar College. The transit station will join the future Mira Mesa direct access ramp. The construction is expected to take two years; the anticipated completion will be on summer 2014. The project has $85 million for its total estimated cost and it is funded by the federal and state funds, TransNet and San Diego Metropolitan Transit System.

From north to south, the Miramar College Transit Station will be the fifth transit facility from the Escondido Transit Center, Del Lago Transit Station, Rancho Bernardo Transit Station and Penasquitos Transit Station.

"The concept is based on DAR," wrote Senior Transportation Planner Emerson Barrow. "Or the direct access ramp from the freeway into the neighborhood separate from the congested general traffic."

The Department of Transportation released the I-15 Direct Access Ramp fact sheet last August 2012, stating there are it’s three missions. First, integrate transit services along the freeway corridor. Second, maximize the coordination of land uses and transportation consistent with the regional goals and community plans. And lastly, provide a direct entrance/exit to the Express Lanes and ease congestion on the surrounding interchanges.

The managed lanes will allow bus riders, cars and van poolers, and solo drivers willing to pay the toll to use the lanes to avoid congestion and reduce their travel time. It will also help ensure reliable trip times for commuters using local and MTS Premium Express Bus Services.

The estimated fare for the commute period express routes will be $5 and $2.50 for the all day all stops services. San Diego Miramar College has not yet announced whether if there will be a fare discount for the students.

"Some schools subsidize bus passes for their students", Emerson Barrow added. "I don't know if Miramar College does or not."

Some of the students shared their thoughts about the new transit station in the school.

“It’s going to help me out a lot because I ride the bus to school”
Sarai Reyes
21 years old
Major: Administration of Justice

“Especially with high gas prices people will use the bus more often”
Karolina Salazar
18 years old
Major: Business Management

“I think it’s a good idea because it will help out a lot of the students”
Jessica Carillo
20 years old
Major: Physical Therapy

“I feel like it will create traffic especially if cars are going to be coming in and out”
Samantha Martinez
19 years old
Major: Nursing Education


  1. This is not specific enough.. Im confused.. first a transit seems ridiculous based on a economical sense because thats my tax payer money going no where. secondly crimes are committed like a rambunctious rape at transit stations. Thirdly, The transit station will bring weirdos far from here to a safe neighborhood where my daughter is! In general a waste of my time and money!

    1. the simple fact is my hard earned tax paying money can go into other educational avenues. Society needs to evaluate how people within it need to take the initiative to get a license. Instead of taking the easy ride.The way I see it is if people with no legs can win Olympics why cant society step up and force driver licenses like Obama care that is being forced. This goes out to all the peolpe that doubt their abilitys, As Dr. linda lee said, "If they can do it why cant I"?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very interesting article, I was not aware that a college transit center was in the process of being built. Even though I believe the station will have very little impact on my day to day life, it may provide new educational and job opportunities for people who couldn’t easily access this area of town before, as well as speeding up the transit times for non-bus riders and bus riders alike. The Direct Access Ramp being built also seems like it will be very helpful for those who are in hurry to get somewhere but I’m not sure how many other people will be willing to pay the toll in order to use the lanes. Good article 10/10, would read again.

  4. It would be very convenient to have a transit station inside Miramar itself. Instead of having to walk all the way outside of the campus to use the bus stop. Despite the price to build this station I believe it will bring in more money to the school in the long run because of the toll fees. Plus for those who travel using cars it would be a cheaper alternative. So I believe this is a great idea for our campus.

    1. Just for informational reasons Miramar will not benefit from revenues.

  5. I personally don't think it's a good idea because those 85 million dollars can be spent somewhere else instead of another transit system. We as San Diego residents already have plenty of buses going around and have the trolley. I agree with Hope that it's our tax money going no where. Another reason I think this isn't a good idea is beacuse there is already a major transit project which is suppose to improve transportation in San Diego county. The carpool lanes that are being placed on the 805 freeway are going to cost tax payers millions an millions of dollars. So I don't think this is a great idea.

  6. I wasn't aware this transit station was given thought! I think that San Diego needs more access to transportation routes. I feel bad for a lot of the people that need to stress about transportation. Even though it costs money for this station, some of the proceeds should go back to the school. Plus, the more busses we have means a lot less cars on the road which means less traffic and more importantly less polution. The only downfall to this plan is lack of money but in the long run it should bring in more ambitious students that are ready to learn or work. College should be accessible for anyone that takes it seriously, this should help and bring more open minded people in.

  7. it was very interesting article. well i think introduction of such a expensive project is worth it; however, it has some good and bad points of itself. the new project will increase the the population in the area and presumably makes the residential area to an unsafer place, but in the other hand it will help the students and medium class people to go from point A to point B. it also prohibits the creation of traffic and pollution in the area and city.

    1. I agree with many of your points but over impact ion will create difficult priority registration for people living in the are. Its preposterous.

  8. I personally thought this acrticle was intresting because it has a lot of good information. Trasnportation is a huge deal for students and i actually was having trouble with it. thought I think the amount of money being put in this project is huge and can be used somewhere else. This campus already has a lot of people and i feel like this is just going to increase the population. I enjoyed reading this first article.

  9. i think that the transit system would be a good idea because it would benefit a lot of people who can't find a way to school or don't have a ride to school and by having it next to the school its won't be a far of a walk to get to the school.but i think its a little bite to expensive but it will benefit everyone one. the bad thing about having a transit station it will increase the attendance of the school and would be hard to get accepted into cause of the increase of students really good article though

  10. I can agree with some of you that this is a very good idea because I see and talk to a lot of students that struggle everyday just to get to school. Most of you are saying its a bad idea because of all the tax money we're going to pay but the money is going to a good project. Sometimes we just have to place our self's in other students positions. The attendance to our school could increase but if we think about it our campus is only getting bigger. This article was great I really liked the details and pictures.

  11. This proyect is really expensive, 85 millon dollars is a lot money, and this proyect like every thing has positve and negative things, but I'm very sure It will work very good, it will have a positive impact in many diferents ways, It will be convenient for students because it is cheaper if you get the bus instead you drive, the carpool when you are in a hurry works really good, and the employment sources that this proyect has generated but I know some people don't like this proyect because they consider 85 millon dollars should be more useful in other proyects, Good article.

  12. Very Interesting article, I never knew about this project being built very interesting. I’m sure there are some agreements and disagreements to this. I noticed the 85 million dollars right away and am wondering if that’s a little high for a transit system. I’m sure this will help people and students out a lot but at the same time the money being that large could probably go for a different public good or be reduced while being split. I do know there’s a bus route that goes from Del largo to Mira mesa and all the way downtown. I’m sure in the long run it will help students and commuters out in the long run.

    1. Awww cute pic!How old were you when this was taken?

    2. I found this photo on someones facebook and had to copy it. Thanks it's a good funny photo.

    3. Very creative.I like the tie!

  13. I think that a brand new transit station will be very beneficial to the students that need it. I know a lot of students that struggle to find rides to school. The bus station would provide a lot more options to getting to school and from school. The money spent on this really concerns me but at the end of the day they are going to charge people for riding the bus so maybe with all the revenue they can get money and maybe some of that money can go to miramar since most students will use the bus station. With the new bus station hopefully the drop rates will go down and miramar can be the best campus around because they will provide rides for students. This bus station will be very beneficial to all.

  14. I think that the transit station is a good idea. it would benefit a lot of students but I do not think that 85 million that they will spend on that project would be of a great use. Beside the fact that the bus fare is the same as the normal MTS buses. They should concentrate on how they will support the student financially by giving out grants. I heard that both Mesa and Miramar College are not going to have summer classes because of the budget cuts. They should think about having summer classes for the students that need credit.

  15. Well spoken, I couldn't agree more!!

  16. I personally think this isn't the best way to get around but I'm really glad that they are making this. It gives those who currently can't drive a scenes of independence. The bus stop isn't the best place on campus. It can be pretty inconvenience for some people especially if you only have about four minutes to get from an upstairs study hall to the bus stop. What ends up happening is we would have to wait another fourth minutes until another bus comes. It could be very inconvenient in itself because as somebody from a rural place like Ramona I may miss any bus there, considering there are only a total of six that go up and down Mondays through Fridays.

  17. It is pretty cool that they have a transit system for those who dont always have rides or have trouble getting to school. But it was a lot of money to put into it. Although I dont think it will affect me, I am sure it could help other get their way around. And maybe we will have more successful students because now if they can't find a ride they know they can take this. It was a very interesting article and I was not aware that this was going on. I enjoyed reading this and learning about it.

  18. This rendering is partially outdated as the new plans call for up to 12 bus bays with 11 being the rumored final number and SANDAG and MTS want to build another parking structure for another park and ride for the new station. The existing park and ride at Hillery will still be maintained. This new 2nd parking structure would allow for 300 cars and would be for transit riders. Also, all Mira Mesa bus service would consolidate into this new transit station. Going to be interesting times for sure.
