Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Miramar's Cafeteria

Have you guys ever gone to the cafeteria and wished there was more varieties of food? I know I have. Miramar’s cafeteria is not only small but the food is also pricey, and not good. Most of us can agree that the cafeteria needs a lot of improvements. Luckily our school has a new building with a new cafeteria which obviously the size will increase. The new building is not available yet but it will be soon. A suggestion I would make to improve the food at our school would be a salad bar with fresh vegetables, different culture food and healthier drinks with less sugar. The salad bar is a good idea because there's a lot of students that are vegetarians. Nutrient facts around the cafeteria would be nice too. Knowing what our bodies consume is very important now. Especially if we want to keep energized in a healthy way to focus at school.  A bigger cafeteria with plenty of seats and tables will be good for our school because we have a lot of students, and professors.  Since the cafeteria will expand it I would be a good idea if they hire more employees. Hiring more employees will help students get their food faster, and also get to classes on time. Some students don’t even bother eating at school now because their in a rush to get to class. Maybe we can even have computers where students can place an oder they want so they wont have to wait in line. A lot of people like eating while watching tv, so adding some type of entertain will improve the cafeteria. I’ve noticed that when I’m in the cafeteria the wifi services is really bad, that’s another thing that should improve. Students do like doing homework or class assignments while eating; therefore the wifi services will be needed. The physical appearance of the current cafeteria is not appealing I can say it scares some students. If it looks bad from the outside what can we expect from the inside? This new building closer and noticeable unlike the one we have right now. 
Here are what some Miramar students/staff had to say about the cafeteria after we asked this specific question “What improvements or expectations do you have for the new cafeteria?”  
“I don’t think there should be any improvements made.” 
David Zelaya 
Major: Anthropology  
“Better quality food and TV’s, music should be playing, and they should sell beer too. We need better wifi signal for the students. More employees would be nice.  I want smoothie machines and more healthier choices and fresh herbs.”  
Ruben Carrillo 
Position: Cook 
“I want the cooks to use gloves and not have pricey food, I really like the loaded fries but we need variety.” 
Lynh Nguyen 
Major: Child development 
“Better physical appearance. Include nutrition labels on machines and out in the open. Educate more students on health with new location and have vegetarian options, its important to a lot of people.” 
Eric Rnee 
Position: Libraian 


  1. I've never bought anything from the school cafeteria yet and I’ll have to go see for myself If the food really isn’t worth the price, but for now I’ll take your word for it. As for the new cafeteria building that’s being constructed, I’m excited to see what it will look like when it’s finished because I’ve been noticing the progress that’s being made on it every time I walk by that area and I have to say every week it begins to look nicer and nicer. Regarding the tone of your article, you made it very clear that you really dislike this current cafeteria that we have and also made some thoughtful suggestions on how to improve it, and for that I thought this was a nicely written article.

  2. Yes. I tend to agree with you. The cafeateria is so out of the way for many students. It is tucked away out of the way of any classes. It is quite a walk to get there and is really hard to find. I talked to a student about a week or so ago and she asked for directions to the cafeateria. It wasnt the easiest or closest to explain to her like it should have been. After that, she just descided to go to one of the other places to get food that day because her next class was in not a long time later.When the new cafeiteria opens i think that itll be a lot nicer. i have gone to Mesa college and they have a fairly nice sized cafiteria. im hoping that our cafiteria will be as good but if not better than that one. our current cafeiteria i think of is more like a snack bar then a cafiteria. im really hoping for many improvements with our new cafeiteria.

  3. I would have to agree, the prices are a little expensive compared to other places. I went in there to get a Pepsi and paid more than what I usually pay at a Seven eleven store. Yet again I use the little coffee place outside the library for everything. I actually found out there was a cafeteria just last semester; it seems like its hidden pretty good. I’m sure if they lowered prices and offered a more appealing atmosphere the students and staff may like to do more business there. Also if they had a better Wi-Fi in there business would be even greater.

  4. I like this article, it is a really good topic, I have been at the cafeteria before and they sale every day the same food and it is expansive, I don't know who is in charge of the cafeteria or who is the manager but It is obvious that they don't care about nutrition and they don't think about there are peple that like vegetable salads and other kind of food, some people just want to eat healthy food, I really think the cafeteria need a big change, they need improve their service in many ways I hope the cafeteria can get the change that they need.

  5. I totally agree with this article because the cafeteria doesn't really have that many choices. I can be a really healthy eater at times and usually when I walk in there all I see are greasy foods. I've actually been in the cafeteria many times but usually I just bring my own lunch because the food is way too pricey. I'm really glad that they built a new cafeteria and it's closer to the classes I'm taking too. The food there should be fresh food too because it's all food that has been frozen and then just cooked instead of it being freshly made. I really liked this article and reading about it because everything it says is true. Maybe the new cafeteria will be a lot better and things will change (:

  6. I’ve never been in Miramar cafeteria I would love to check the new cafeteria with a bigger space and free internet. Salad is great idea to serve because some people are conscious on what they are putting to their body and prefer healthy food. The new cafeteria would benefit those students that like to eat while studying and the television for the people who like to eat while watching. Good job on the article and it gave me some information how bad the old cafeteria and now I’m looking forward on the new cafeteria and how much improvements on their food service.

  7. I didnt even know that there was a cafeteria at miramar. from what ive read from the article I dont expect going anytime soon, but I am excited about the new one. In addition I do expect tvs in the new almost every college cafeteria ive been to has had tvs. I also agree with the article about a salad bar because what if you dont like any of the cooking, then you can just make a nice healthy salad. I would hope theres wifi in the new cafeteria also if theres not then I will probly not attend the new cafeteria.

  8. I have to agree what is in this article because every time I went there all I see is junk foods and also oily foods. Also the area where the cafeteria is located is really inconvenient, you have to walk all the to back of the school just to eat. Because of its area size and where it is located some of the students doesn't know that the cafeteria even existed. I guess that it is a good idea that they are going to move the cafeteria's location. I hope they also change the menu of the cafeteria to healthier choices. It doesn't really matter how big the cafeteria will be, the most important thing is that it is going to be located in a convenient place and have a healthy menu.

  9. This is a news flash that there is even a cafeteria. I have gone without eating all day at school. I think this is a very profitable and wise choice. I look forward to having healthy food choices and will help to maintain many students blood sugar. This will help me focus as well as keep my strength. I hope they keep the prices at a reasonable rate so many struggling students will be able to afford to eat at the cafeteria. I am looking forward to being able to use this facility. Hopefully the cafeteria has wi-fi. Good article.

  10. I think having a bigger cafeteria is a great idea. Having a salad bar with fresh vegetables would be a significant improvement from the one by the math building. That one is small, pricy, and there isn't many options for food or beverages. Also, having wifi in the middle of campus would make easier for students on the run. I hope the new facility really comes through. It looks very large with more seating, which im looking forward too. There is very few places to sit down by the current cafeteria. The area and work done around the new cafeteria really gets your attention. Hopefully more students will eat at miramar, and the social life at this community college will increase as well.

  11. Im usually not in school long enought to go have time to grab some lunch but i haver seen people around campus eating and the food doesnt seem that good! I also think the area is pretty big and people can use it to meet new people or just take a breather from school. even though they could make it a lot better i do appreciate them even having one because most people dont have time to make lunch and they are in school all day. I also think that if they are going to charge a lot of money for food they should make it better. I mean we all went to high school and im pretty sure we are all over their cafeteria food. I think this is a good article to show others because food is very important.

  12. this was an interisting article i had no idea that there was a cafatria at are school to begin with and have no idea where its at. school food aren't usually good to begin with and i have yet to seen a school that has a good cafeteria selection anyways. having wifi at the cafeteria is always a smart choice because a lot of students will be doing there homework there while waiting for there food and when there eating. one thing that the new cafeteria should have is a discount food for kids who have financial problem so the y won't feel left out that would help me out alot

  13. I would have to strongly agree with this article. The first time I was looking for the cafeteria I couldn’t find it, it was all the way in the back corner of the college. After I found the cafeteria i didn’t want to go in because of how it looked in the outside. But after when I went inside it was decent looking, but yes all of the food and drinks are overpriced. This new cafeteria that they are building is a really good idea because the school needs a place where students can go and eat, hang out with friends, and enjoy a healthy snack.

  14. I agree with the article that they are way over priced I got chicken fingers and some fries and it cost me close to $10 bucks. the chicken fingers were dry and my fries were way salty not worth the price. And now that i no they dont ware glove im difinitely not going back. I hope for the new cafeteria that it is a lot better. It seem that every one would love to see a salad bar and a variety of different foods would be nice. I hope that the new cafeteria has mexican food and some new flat screen TV would be nice and I like that it will be in a better location.

  15. I totally agree that the schools food is not the best with a small variety, but seeing how the few people that goes there and the small area of work I would understand why. Like how the blogger state “Some students don’t even bother eating at school now because they’re in a rush to get to class” so the workers premade the food so the students still have time to make it to class and eat if they want to , however this makes it lose its quality. But one thing I don’t agree with the blogger the price is actually fairly cheap in consideration. In restaurants they like to sell their 3 times the food cost meaning 3 time the cost to buy the ingredients. So that means 1/3 of the cost goes for ingredients, another to the labor, and last for profit.
