Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Miramar Jets 2012/2103 Men's Basketball Team Profile

The Miramar Jets 2012/2103 Men's Basketball Team

The Miramar Jet’s Men’s Basketball team is hoping to bounce back from a disappointing 2012-2013 Season. With an overall record of 7 wins and 16 losses (contrast this to the 2008/2009 season where the team had their best season finishing at 23 wins and 8 losses), this has been the team’s worst performance to date, as well as being the first year ever that The Miramar Jets have had a losing record. Although not having much success in tournament games (1-7 record), the team has maintained a winning record ever since the 2007-2008 Season as well as making it to the playoffs or being in contention for the playoffs. Even though it may appear that the team did not do so well this past season, out of the 16 games that they lost, 9 of those were close games being lost within 5 points or less. Head Coach Nick Gehler has been a coach for 11 years; seven of which have been spent here with the Miramar Jets. During his time spent coaching here at Miramar he led the team to back to back playoff appearances in the 2008/2007 and 2008/2009 seasons and has helped 12 players to further their educations and basketball careers. The three most recent players to receive Scholarships are; Symeon Taylor – Pacifica (CA), David Porte – Universidad De Las Americas Puebla (Mexico), and Breen Weeks – Regis (CO). Coach Gehler
has been doing a great job  here at Miramar and it seems that the team just had an off year and they are all looking forward to the next season. Under Head Coach Nick Gehler is Head Assistant Coach  John Egidio who has been with the Miramar Jets for 6 years now. In 2009 the school’s first ever All-State Player, Pat Eveland, was announced. Eveland was an outstanding player and Athlete who was described as having “nice outside range but still being able to get inside and battle it out with other big players.” He holds five out of the seven school records including most assists (261), most total points (1162), most rebounds (430), and most blocks (46). Eveland received a scholarship to Pacific University where he went on to finish his basketball career and graduate as an economics major. This year’s team captains are Sophomore Greg Hamik, and Freshman Peter Wirsing. The team MVP was Forward Alberto Ganis.
Ganis was also Miramar College’s first International player. Sports are important to have at a college because they keep the students motivated and involved with the school. Furthermore, when the school’s athletic programs are successful, the students have a great reason to be proud and happy about the school that they are attending. Campus sports can also help raise a school’s reputation which can lead to an increase of people wanting to apply to that school.

Here are what some Miramar students had to say about school athletics:

“I think Sports are a good way to show your skills and leadership”
Colton Jester
Age 20
Major: electrician
 “Sports provide a means to propel one self to greatness and simultaneously provide entertainment for the masses, which helps bring communities together. But I also feel like pro athletes are ridiculously over paid”
Chris Davis
Age 25
Major: English
“I think that sports are a good way to have a nice gathering and to meet new people”.
Jason Gray
Age 29
Major: undeclared
“I think that sports are a good way to be in shape and have good health”.
Travis Baccei
Age 19
Major: undeclared 

By: Tyler Hickman. Victor Madrgial. and David Trujillo


  1. I’m not really a sports article reader but it’s kind of disappointing that the Miramar Basketball Team lost the last season. It would have been nice if they maintained their winning record since 2007-2008. It’s great that the school is showing interest in helping sports team and providing athletic programs. I think that sports can also help release anxiety and stress that the students feel. Also it can help someone practice social interactions and also practice good leadership skills. And sports can also help in exercising our mind and body. Students must know that it’s important to stay fit and healthy at all times.

  2. I'm a big times sports person and I feel like the Miramar Basketball team could have done a lot better, but maybe this just wasn’t their season. They have a lot of talented players but it takes team work to get the winning record. I also agree with what Anne Evangelista said and I feel like sports do help out release stress or other problems that the student might have. Sports also help you maintain the grades you want because if you don't maintain a 2.0 GPA, you won't be eligible to play. Sports keep you active everyday but it takes time and effort.

  3. Even though they had a disappointing season the team still seems to be going strong. I like the idea of college sports because of the will and determination they face. They also must keep their grades up and also the sprit it drives for the institution. These college teams try and play hard for their schools too which is pretty cool. I did like the part in the article where the team players got some scholarships and are benefitting from their efforts with the Jets. They can use their experience to benefit them when they go or transfer to another school. I enjoyed the detailed information on this team based in your article.

  4. How frustrating for the Jets to be on top of their game at on point, and then hit bottom. I have found this to be the way life is. No one can always be on top at all times. When a bad season happens you have to pull it together, learn from your mistakes, and stay motivated. Encouraging each other along the way. It is a true blessing to be able to play a sport, especially one you're good at and enjoy playing. Especially while in school! This article was well written and informative. Go Jets!

  5. I'm not much of a sports reader but I did find it sort of interesting because this is about Miramar students. I don't like doing many sports myself, including any kind of hand ball which includes basketball. It is a shame that this basketball team lost many games that year. That is pretty cool that much of the time they do win. It really does usually give students something to be proud of even if they aren't into basketball but like watching sports in general. I'd have to say, in my opinion was more on the boring side but its still a great article.

  6. I am a big fan of basketball I think that this is a good program for the basketball players who could not make it to the big league. This is stepping stone for them to improve their skills in order to make it to the big league and maybe have a scholarship to pay for their school. The head coach Nick Gehler already has three players who went to other colleges with scholarship. That is a great accomplishment for a coach in a small community college basketball program to bring out the best of his players. It is sad to hear that the team is not doing well this few couple years. Keep your head up Jets think positive!!!!!!!!

  7. I don't like basketball; I prefer other sport, but I know any sport is healthy and have many benefits in the students, like helps to get a scholarship,and it is a good way to show your skills and leadership, is a good entertenament, helps to spend time with friends, is a good way to not be stressed, there are a lot benefits of sports, all are positive, so Im agree with any sport in the collegue, special if with this you can get a scholarships, and I like to know that Miramar collegue has help this guys with their studies. Good article.

  8. I don't read much about sports and I don't play them either, but it is to bad that the Miramar Jets weren't able to win this last season. But I think that it is awesome that these sports are offered to students and it gives them a chance to do something. It is good for students to be able to be involved somehow and whether they do this sport for fun or are serious about it, it is something that gets them involved. When they do win or play for fun it gives them a chance to have fun and to be proud of themselves. Although the team has lost so many games this year they should still be proud of themselves for putting forth effort and trying to achieve a goal. Hopefully they will be able to succeed more next season.

  9. I enjoy watching basketball so I was surprised to find out that Miramar had a basketball team. I think that every school well for more community colleges should have sports like miramar because it kind of unifies the school together. Even though this school is not like a university it still pretty cool to say that your school has a sports team. On the other hand every team has gone through their bad times, we win, we lose, we conquer. I'm glad that they've had a good starting season and hopefully they end it with a championship.

  10. Basketball has not always been my favorite sport but i definitely do admire this team for their hard work. i think its nice to have young guys play a sport they like in a community college. it will definitely benefit them in the future if they decide to transfer. being involved with school activities is always a plus. I have never been to one of their games but I am definitely going to look into that and look forward to it!

  11. I've never watched Miramar play, but I hear good things about the team. So I'll be watching these guys the next chance I get. I've always enjoyed basketball, but I've only watched NCAA. Hope these guys win alot this year! Go Jets!

  12. I havent heard much about the extra sport services on campus besides soccer. I have a miramar jets basketball student in my math class and he said it was a bas season. I feel like if more people showed up at the games it will get the team players more pumped up for their games. The more a school or organization comes together a team forms and it shows on the court! Hopefully the jets have a better season next year. I believe if anyone is interested in trying out for sports you need to maintain a certain GPA, which is good for students who are more athletic and want better modivation for school.

  13. When I started this year I did not no that there was sports at miramar collage untell someone told me that they were in soccer. crazy after a year and a half of going to school here im just finding out. Now im going to have to google what other sports they have I would love for the school to have golf that would be fun for me. I also like that they have scholarships for people that play sports. Finely i agree with Chris Davis in the interview that pro athletes are over paid when men and women are serving this counry and getting paid so little and dying for this country.
